오픽하이의 'OPIc Actually'
#10-2. 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 2탄
오픽 액츄얼리~ 제 10-2회 업뎃합니다!!!
오늘 공개해 드릴 빈출문제들의 주제는 바로 '대학생편'입니다.
학생을 선택할 경우에 출제될 가능성이 높은 문제들입니다.
이제 8월 1일부터는 12개의 항목으로 선택 항목이 줄어들 텐데요.
12개 항목 이외에 신분, 거주지와 관련된 문제도 출제될 확률이 아주 높습니다.
신분과 거주지는 특히 출제 범위가 아주 다양해서 준비할 것도 많은 편이죠.
이번 학생편에서는 총 7개의 토픽 3콤보 문제들을 소개해 드리겠습니다.
학교 기숙사 생활 하시는 대학생 여러분들 이곳 카페에 많이 계실지 모르겠습니다만,
어디에서도 잘 볼 수 없는 기숙사와 관련된 3콤보 문제도 다뤄드리겠습니다^^
학생 3콤보 문제 7 Topics 모음...
1. 학교 행사(event)
Q1. You indicated that you are a full-time student in the survey. What events do you have at the school you go to?
Q2. Let's talk about a special event like a graduation or a sporting event. Tell me about everything that typically happens during that event.
Q3. Tell me about a memorable event that happened in school when you were younger. What did the students and teachers do to prepare for the event? Tell me about all the things that happened on the day of the event from the beginning to the end.
2. 학교 캠퍼스(campus)
Q1. You indicated in the survey that you are a student. Describe your campus. What do the buildings and classrooms look like?
Q2.Whend did you first visit your school? Who did you go with? What were your first impressions? Was there anything about the school that surprised you? If so, tell me about it with a lot of details.
Q3. Sometimes problems come up at a new school. For example, students may get lost on campus and miss a class. When did you have a problem while you were still new to your school? What was the problem abut? How did you solve it? Please tell me about it in as much detail as you can.
3. 학교 프로젝트(project)
Q1. You indicated in the survey that you go to school. Tell me about some of the projects that you usually do in school.
Q2. Think of a school project that you recently completed. What steps did you take to start working on and finish this project?
Q3. I'd like to know about one of the most memorable school projects you have completed. When did you work on it and what was it about? Who did you do the project with? Did you work on it alone? Tell me about any challenging, unexpected or interesting things that happened during the project.
4. 학교 테크놀로지(technology)
Q1. You indicated in the survey that you are a student. Tell me about some technologies you usually use at school.
Q2. Discuss how you typically use technologies at school. What types of activities do technologies help you with?
Q3. Technology has been rapidly chaning in the modern era. How has a certain technology advanced in the past several years? Tell me about it in as much detail as you possible.
5. 학교 활동(activities)
Q1. Let's talk about the educational system in your country. What are the schools like? How are the classes structured? What is the typical class size?
Q2. What activities do students typically participate in during the average school day? Tell me about some of the activities that occur at school in more detail.
Q3. Tell me about the most memorable class you had while in school. Which class was it? Tell me about who your teacher was. Why was it so memorable to you?
6. 수강과목과 절차(courses and registration process)
Q1. What is your major? This semester, what courses are you taking?
Q2. Tell me aobut your daily routine at school. What kinds of activities do you normally do at school on a daily basis?
Q3. Let's talk about the registration process for the classes you are now taking. What did the registration process involve, how did you select the classes? Were you able to get the courses that you requested? Please tell me about all the steps you took get these classes.
7. 학교 기숙사(Korean people’s dress code)
Q1. You indicated that you live in student housing in the survey. Please describe it in detail to create a visual picture.
Q2. How did you come to find the current place you live. What steps or procedures did you follow in order to find a room there? From the first to the last step, tell me about all the things you were required to do.
Q3. When did you first move into the student housing where you now live. Tell me everything that happened during that moving day. When was it? Where did you move from? Who helped you? Was there something interesting or surprising that happened? Please tell me about this experience in as much detail as possible.
Next >>> 10회 '#10-3. 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 3탄
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