오픽하이의 'OPIc Actually'


#10-1. 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 1탄


오픽 액츄얼리~ 제 10-1회 업뎃합니다!!!


10회 업뎃이 조금 늦어져서 죄송합니다.

빈출문제는 문제의 양을 조절하는 차원에서 다양한 버전으로 올려 드리도록 하겠습니다.

10-1회에서는 맛보기 차원에서 가볍게? 시작하겠습니다. 


오늘 공개해 드릴 빈출문제들의 주제는 바로 '한국'입니다.

한국과 관련된 오픽 문제들이 사실 다양하게 출제되고 있지만,

이런 문제를 한 데 모아서 알려주는 곳이 없다 보니,

막상 정기시험에서 이런 문제를 접하면 어떤 질문인지 이해하기도 힘들고

주제가 생소하다 보니 시험이 끝나고도 기억하기가 여간 쉽지 않습니다.


해서 빈출문제 1탄에서는 자주 출제되고 있는 한국 관련 문제들을 살펴보려고 합니다.

문제 유형으로는 돌발문제로 분류할 수 있겠군요.

한국과 관련된 오픽 문제들 총 8가지 주제로 나눠서 공개해 드립니다.





 한국과 관련된 오픽 문제들 어떤 것들이 있을까?




1. 지오그래피(geography)

Q1. Tell me about the geography in your country. Are there mountains, lakes or beaches? Please tell me all about the geography and landscape in detail.


Q2. What kinds of activities do people in your country usually do for entertainment? Please give me a detailed description of the things that people like to do in your country.


Q3. I'd like to know about a memorable thing that you experienced during your childhood. For example, it could have been a special event or an eperience you had with your friends or family members.  Tell me about the event and everything that happened.



2. 한국 음식과 식사(traditional foods & mealtime)

Q1. Tell me about some of the traditional foods eaten in your country. What What are some of the most popular traditional dishes? 


Q2. What is the most important meal of the day? What roles do the people play during mealtime?  Tell me about some particular customs or traditions that happen before and after mealtime.


Q3. Let's talk about a memorable meal that you have had recently. What kinds of fooods did you have? Who were you with? Tell me about a recent meal you have had in as much detail as possible.  



3. 도시 사람들(people in the city)

Q1. Discribe the city where you live. What is this city like? What are the people like there? 


Q2. What kinds of activities do the people in the city do themselves on the weekends? Tell me about some of the special events and activities that go on in the city. 


Q3. What types of activities did you do last weekend? Where did you go? What did you do? Who did you go with? Tell me something interesting that you did last weekend with a lot of details.



4. 지역 사람들(people and children)

Q1. Describe the area where you live in detail. Tell me about the buildings, landscape, and people there.


Q2. What do people and children do on weekdays and weekends in the area where you live?


Q3. I'd like know about one of the memorable situations that have occurred where you live. Tell me about the memorable thing in as much detail as you can.



5. 한국 젊은이들(young people)

Q1. Tell me about some of the qualities of young people in your country. What types of music do they enjoy? What styles of clothing do they like to wear? 


Q2. What do the young people in your country like to do when they get together? What types of activities do they like to do with friends? What activities are particularly enjoyable for young people on the weekends?


Q3. Tell me about a memorable event that you participated in recently. Where did this event take place? What types of things did you do? Were you alone or with someone else? Tell me about the memorable experience in as much detail as you can.



6. 한국의 날씨와 계절(weather and seasons)

Q1. What is the weather like in your country? Are there distinct changes in the seasons?  What is the weather like in the summer and the winter? 


Q2. What is your favorite season and what activities do you usually during this time of year? What types of activities do people in your country participate in during the season? 


Q3. Let's talk about a memorable event that was associated with weather. For example, it may have been a drought that affected the people in your citiy or a flood that caused many people to lose their homes. When did this event occur? What was it so memorable to you?



7. 한국 사람들의 패션(Korean people’s dress code)

Q1. I’d like to know about Korean people’s dress code. What clothes do they wear in everyday life? What do they get dressed when they hang out with other people and work at the office? 


Q2. How has the fashion changed for the last ten years?


Q3. Did you buy some clothes recently? What kind of clothes did you purchase and why? How did you buy them?



8. 한국의 호텔(hotels)

Q1. Tell me about hotels in your country. What do the hotels look like? Describe them for me in detail. 


Q2. What do you typically do when you stay at hotels? When do you usually stay at hotels? Tell me about your typical routine when staying at hotels from the beginning to the end. 


Q3. Tell me about a memorable hotel experience you have had. Where did you stay? What exactly happened? What did you do there? Why was it so memorable to you? Please tell me about this experience in as much detail as possible.




Next >>> 10회 '#10-2. 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 2탄




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Posted by 김용직