오픽하이의 'OPIc Actually'


#10-3. 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 3탄


오픽 액츄얼리~ 제 10-3회 업뎃합니다!!!

오늘 공개해 드릴 빈출문제들의 주제는 2탄 대학생편에 이은  '직장인편'입니다.

직장인과 관련해서 출제 빈도가 아주 높은 문제들을 공개해 드리겠습니다.


대학생과 마찬가지로 직장인을 선택하게 되면

출제 범위가 다양해서 준비해야 할 게 많습니다만,

하나씩 차근차근 준비하다 보면 부담감도 많이 줄어들 거라고 봅니다. .

오픽 빈출문제 대방출 3탄에서는 총 8개의 토픽 3콤보 문제들을 소개해 드리겠습니다. ^^




 직장인 3콤보 문제 8 Topics 모음...  




1. 회사 업무(assignments)

Q1. You indicated in the survey that you work at a company. Tell me what you do on a typical workday.

Q2. What is your favorite work assignment or favorite thing to do at work? How do you do that assignment as well?

Q3. Let's talk about one of the interesting projects or assignments you’ve done at work. Describe what the project was and what happened while working on it.

2. 직장 상사(boss or manager)

Q1. You indicated in the survey that you work at a company. Tell me about your manager or boss in detail to me.

Q2. When was the first time you talked to your manager? When and where did you two meet? What did you talk about?

Q3. I think that there must have been time when you and your manager worked together to overcome challenges or solve problems. When was it? What was the problem? What did you and your manager do to solve it? Tell me about this experience in as much detail as possible.


3. 직장 동료(co-workers)

Q1. You indicated in the survey that you are employed at a company. Describe some of the people you are working with.

Q2. What do your co-workers do each day while at work? Tell me about their activities on a daily basis.

Q3. Reflect upon a project that you worked on together. What was the project and what specific steps did you and your co-workers follow in order to complete it?

4. 회사 테크놀로지(technology)

Q1. You indicated in the survey that you are employed at a company. Tell me about the kinds of technology and equipment you use at work.

Q2. How does technology help you to do different tasks in your work?

Q3. I'd like to know about a project that you recently worked on where technology made a difference. What was the project about? What kind of technology did you use and how did the technology play a role in that project? Was it successful? Please tell me about this experience with a lot of details.

5. 회사 프로젝트(projects)

Q1. Tell me about the types of projects that you usually do at work.

Q2. When did you work on a project most recently? Talk about the last project or assignment that you worked on.

Q3. What kind of work project was interesting or exciting? When did you work on the project? What exactly was this project? Perhaps there were a few of the particular challenges that you had to overcome. How did you solve those challenges? Tell me about this memorable thing in as much detail as you can.



6. 회사 사업과 연혁(business & history)

Q1. You indicated in the survey that you work for a company.What kind of business is it?

Q2. Let's talk about a particular product or service. What product or service does your company specialize in?

Q3. Discuss the history of your company. When was it established? How did it begin? Also, how has it changed or grown since it first began?

7. 현재 직장(current job)

Q1. What type of work do you do for a living? Give me a detailed description of your office and your working environment.

Q2. What was your first day of work like? Tell me about your first impressions of your job and company.

Q3. How did you initially find your current job? Why did you decide to work there?

8. 회사 점심(lunch)

Q1. Where do you usually eat lunch? What kinds of dishes do you like to eat during a typical work day?

Q2. When was the last time that you went out with work colleagues for lunch? Where did you go for lunch? Why did you go out with your colleagues? Tell me about this experience in as much detail as possible.

Q3. I'd like to know about a memorable lunch time.  Describe this specific experience. Tell me about what happened from start to finish. Why was it so memorable to you?




Next >>> 10회 '#10-4. 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 4탄 _ 3콤보편


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Posted by 김용직