Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요~ 일주일만에 찾아온 김여사 입니다.

오늘 주제는

바로바로 '병원가기' 입니다.

'병원가기'는 (구)OPIc 설문조사 항목이었지만, 뉴오픽에선 랜덤문제로 출제되는 경향이 있습니다.

꼭 시험공부가 아니더라도 생활에서 바로 투입가능한 유용한 표현들이 많으니,

한번 쭈욱 공부해보는것도 나쁘지 않을 것 같아요 :)

1. 자주  출제되는 문제 유형

Is there a hopital or a dental clinic that you usually go to? How often do you go there? Why do you go there?

- 자주 가는 병원이나 치과가 있습니까? 얼마나 자주 가나요? 왜 그병원에 가나요?

Do you have any memorable experience related to a hospital? Please tell me about in detail.

- 기억에 남는 병원과 관련된 경험이 있습니까?

Please tell me about a childhood memory of when ou vosited a hospital.

-어린시절 병원에 방문했을때의 경험을 이야기 해주세요.

2.  TIP

- 의사의 종류(?) 알아두기

physician - 내과의

plastic surgoen - 성형외과의

otolaryngologist - 이비인후과의

peditorician - 소아과의

ophthalmologist - 안과의

- 아픈부위/ 증상 설명하기

· sore - 염증/ 근육통이 생겼을 때 사용

I have sore muscles. (근육통이 있어요)

I have a sore throat.( 목이 아파요.)

·ache - 특정부위의 통증을 느낄때 사용, 주로 합성어로 쓰임

I have a toothache. (치통이 있어요.)

I hace an earache. (귓병이 있어요.)

■ 답변 보기

ID- leesy****

As I am Healthy, I sometimes visit a doctor. However, when the seasons change, I do sometimes cath a cold.

> As I am Healthy, I rarely visit a doctor.

In this case, I go to Yeonsei Clinic, where is my neighborhood.

> In this case, I go to Yeonsei Clinic, which is in my neighborhood.

The doctor is a serious - looking physician, I guess is in his mid-50s, likes to read.

The doctor is a serious - looking physicianwho I guess is in his mid-50s, that likes to read.

Whenever I enter his office, the first thing that catches my eye is a bookshelf filled with not medical book and novels.

>Whenever I enter his office, the first thing that catches my eye is a bookshelf filled with not only medical literature but also novels.

Unlike physician, he gives me general health advice. Anyway, he always listens to me carefully when I describe my symptoms.

> Furthermore, he always listens to me carefully when I describe my symptoms.

Overall, I loke the clinic because it is  within walking distance from my home and doctor is always very friendly snd reliable.

더 많은 정보가 궁금하다면?

Posted by 김용직





Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요? 오랫만에 인사드립니다.

그동안 잘 지내셨죠?


많이 추워진 오늘 같은날, 설레는 주제로 함께 공부해볼까요?

오늘의 주제는 #13. 여행 입니다.

· 자주 출제되는 유형

1. 첫번째 해외여행 경험

Please tell me about your overseas trip. Who did you go with? What wew the locals like?

2. 여행 준비

Please describe the things that you have to do from departure to arrival when you travel.

3. 여행 묘사

Please describe one of your favorite trip. Where did you go and where did you stay?

Please describe one of your favorite trips.


- 시간 순서대로 출발부터 도착까지 무엇을 하는지 묘사

- 여행 묘사 : 휴가/ 배낭여행 등 목적과 여행기간, 여행지에 대한 소개 숙지

 go on a day trip : 당일치기 여행을 가다

 take a backpacking trip : 배낭여행을 가다

 = go back packing

 = backpack

- 비행관련 : 비행시간/ 좌석/ 공항 관련 내용

 reserve=book : 예약하다.

 wait in the line : 줄을 서다.

 asile seat : 복도쪽 좌석/ window seat : 창가쪽 좌석

[답변 보기]


I first traveled abroad when I was 10 years old. At that time my father had a publishing company and he go to Japantwice a year foe business.

-> At that time my father ran a publishing company and he went to Japan twice a year foe business.

We decided travel together for summer vacation. The flight took an hour.

I insisted on taking the sindow seat to be able to enjoy the view from the plane, but soon I was disappointed as there was nothing to see. My destination is  Jin-Bo-cho in Tokyo.

-> Our destination was Jin-Bo-cho in Tokyo.

Jin-Bo-Cho is famous for its bookstore my father was lookin for some books, the rest of our family waited for him insmall bakery.

-> the rest of our family waited for him at small bakery.

What I like best about Tokyo  was the food.

-> What I like the most about Tokyo  was the food.

Especially, sushi was very fresh and delicilious. We stayed in Family Hotel.

-> We stayed at Family Hotel.

My first trip abroad was very exciting and interesting because I got eat delicious food, see many sight, and meet kind people.

더 많은 교육정보가 궁금하다면?

Posted by 김용직





Posted by 김용직

에바의 첨삭노트#12. 스포츠


  • 자주 출제되는문제 유형 

  1. You indicated in the survey you like baseball/basketball/soccer. Why doyou like it? Please give me several reasons why you chosebaseball/basketball/soccer.
  • 설문조사에서 야구/농구/축구를 좋아한다고 했습니다왜좋아하나요야구/농구/축구를고른 몇 가지 이유를 말해주세요.

  1. What team or player do you root for? Why do you root for that team orplayer?
  • 어떤 팀이나 선수를응원합니까왜 그 팀이나 선수를 응원하나요?

  1. Could you tell me about the most memorable game you played recently?
  • 가장 기억에 남는경기에 대해 말해주시겠어요?


  • TIP

  • 좋아하는 팀에 대해설명하기

: The team I root for is the Kia Tigers. (제가 응원하는 팀은 기아 타이거스 입니다.)

: My favorite player is 박지성. (제가 좋아하는 선수는 박지성입니다.)

  • 특정 팀을 좋아하는이유

: passion for the game (게임에 대한 열정)

: team unity (팀 결단력)

: team loyalty (팀 충성도)






I love to play soccer. However, I have a bed memory that is still too painful to recall.

  • I love playing soccer. However, Ihave a badmemory that is still too painful to recall.

It happened Sunday on my sixth months of my army.

  • It happened Sunday on my sixthmonths of mymilitary service.

As you know, military is very strict, and wemust obey orders from senior no cocomplaints.

  • we must obey orders from superiorswithout any complaints.

I was feeling bad and wanted to rest thatday, but one of my seniors suggested that we play a game. We started playing at9AM and finished 8PM. I wanted to stop playing after 2games but I had to keepgoing. I couldn’t believe we had played for 10 hours that day.

After game, I wastotally tired and worn out. It was the worst time I ever had playing sports!

  • After the game, I was totally exhausted and worn out.

Posted by 김용직





Posted by 김용직

에바의 첨삭노트#11. 영화


자주 출제되는문제 유형


What kind of movies do you like? Please tell me about the genre youlike in detail.

Who is your favorite actor or actress? Is this person currently in thenews for any reason?

I’d like you to tell me about one of the most memorable movies you’vewatched.

What is the plot? Are there anyscenes that you recall distinctly? Who was the main actor or actress? Pleasetell me why it is so memorable.




영화 장르 설명하기

Drama: 드라마



Independentfilm: 독립영화

Tearjerker:눈물 흘리게 하는 영화

영화의 특징 설명하기

Itcompletely relives my stress as it is fast-paced and thrilling.

Idon’t like gloomy flicks that make me depressed or make me think a lotafterwards.





Myfavorite movie genre is action, which includes such films as MissionImpossible. 

Because First, an action story is easy.

Here are the reasons why. First, an action story is easy to follow.

Second, Ican feel vicarious satisfaction through action movies. We meet villain in the office or school every day but never able to punish them.

We meet villains in the office or at school every day but are never able to punish them.

However,a hero in a film fights, hits, and punishes them. Third, it completely relivesmy stress.

I’m verybusy with work, so when I watch movie, I want to take it easy.

So,action movies give people varioussatisfaction and the simple plot and happy ending make feel good.

So, action movies give the audience various satisfactionand the simple plot and happy ending makethe audience feel good.


Posted by 김용직





Posted by 김용직

에바의 첨삭노트#10. 애완동물


자주 출제되는문제 유형


you indicated in the survey that you have a pet. 

What kind of animal is it?

How do you take care of it? .

Let’stalk about something memorable that happened with your pet. Tell me in detail.



기르는 애완 동물 소개 소개 ( 나이이름동물)

애완동물 소개 및 기르는 법 설명

애완동물과의 추억에 대해 소개

Feed~ twice a day : -에게 하루 두번 먹이를 주다

Takefor a walk : -를 산책 시키다.

Givea bath : 목욕시키다.




I have aneight –year-dog named 깜보. He is a Schnauzer. 

I have to feed 2times all day and make surehe had enough water.

->I have to feed him twice a day and make sure he has enough water.


brush her hair and take him for a walk one a day.

->I brush his coat and take himfor a walk oncea day.

Most ofthe time, we walk around my apartment complex. We go to park, it’s really nice day.

->it’s really nice day, we go to the park.

He can run around the whole day. She has a lot of energy! I have to give him a bath brush his teeth twice a month. 

It’s a lot of work, but I think it’s worth it.He is my best friend. I have many good memories with him.

Posted by 김용직