안녕하세요~ 일주일만에 찾아온 김여사 입니다.
오늘 주제는
바로바로 '병원가기' 입니다.
'병원가기'는 (구)OPIc 설문조사 항목이었지만, 뉴오픽에선 랜덤문제로 출제되는 경향이 있습니다.
꼭 시험공부가 아니더라도 생활에서 바로 투입가능한 유용한 표현들이 많으니,
한번 쭈욱 공부해보는것도 나쁘지 않을 것 같아요 :)
1. 자주 출제되는 문제 유형
Is there a hopital or a dental clinic that you usually go to? How often do you go there? Why do you go there?
- 자주 가는 병원이나 치과가 있습니까? 얼마나 자주 가나요? 왜 그병원에 가나요?
Do you have any memorable experience related to a hospital? Please tell me about in detail.
- 기억에 남는 병원과 관련된 경험이 있습니까?
Please tell me about a childhood memory of when ou vosited a hospital.
-어린시절 병원에 방문했을때의 경험을 이야기 해주세요.
2. TIP
- 의사의 종류(?) 알아두기
physician - 내과의
plastic surgoen - 성형외과의
otolaryngologist - 이비인후과의
peditorician - 소아과의
ophthalmologist - 안과의
- 아픈부위/ 증상 설명하기
· sore - 염증/ 근육통이 생겼을 때 사용
I have sore muscles. (근육통이 있어요)
I have a sore throat.( 목이 아파요.)
·ache - 특정부위의 통증을 느낄때 사용, 주로 합성어로 쓰임
I have a toothache. (치통이 있어요.)
I hace an earache. (귓병이 있어요.)
■ 답변 보기
ID- leesy****
As I am Healthy, I sometimes visit a doctor. However, when the seasons change, I do sometimes cath a cold.
> As I am Healthy, I rarely visit a doctor.
In this case, I go to Yeonsei Clinic, where is my neighborhood.
> In this case, I go to Yeonsei Clinic, which is in my neighborhood.
The doctor is a serious - looking physician, I guess is in his mid-50s, likes to read.
> The doctor is a serious - looking physician, who I guess is in his mid-50s, that likes to read.
Whenever I enter his office, the first thing that catches my eye is a bookshelf filled with not medical book and novels.
>Whenever I enter his office, the first thing that catches my eye is a bookshelf filled with not only medical literature but also novels.
Unlike physician, he gives me general health advice. Anyway, he always listens to me carefully when I describe my symptoms.
> Furthermore, he always listens to me carefully when I describe my symptoms.
Overall, I loke the clinic because it is within walking distance from my home and doctor is always very friendly snd reliable.
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