오늘의 주제 <명절>에 대해 공부해 보겠습니다.

명절은 주로 우리나라의 대표명절, 에피소드, 친구에게 명절에 대해 묻는 문제등이 자주 출제되는 경향을 보입니다.

따라서 명절에 특별히 하는 일과 먹는 음식, 에피소드에 대해 준비해두면 어떤 주제가 나와도 응용해서 대처할 수 있습니다.

1. 자주 출제되는 문제 유형

What is the biggest holiday in your country? What kind of special activities do you like to do and what kind of food do you have on that day?

- 당신 나라의 가장 큰 명절은 언제인가요? 그 날 좋아하는 특별한 활동은 어떤 것이 있고, 어떤 음식을 먹습니까?

Could you tell me about the most memorable holiday in your childhood? What is it so memorable for you?

- 어린시절 가장 기억에 남는 명절에 대해 이야기해주시겠어요? 왜 기억에 남나요?

Please ask me several questions regarding holidays in my country.

-우리나라의 명절에 대해 몇가지 질문을 해주세요.


- 음식 소개 하기

The most common traditional food is A.

가장 보편적인 음식은 A 입니다.

The common traditional dishes are A,B and C.

가장 흔한 전통 음식은 A,B,C 입니다.

The traditional New Year's meal consists of A,B and C.

전통적인 설날 음식은 A,B,C로 구성 됩니다.

- 결론 맺기

- To make a long story short : 요약하자면

- That is my idea of : 이것이 나의 ~에 대한 생각 입니다.

- 기타

- There was a huge traffic jam on our way back home. 

  집으로 오는 길에 극심한 교통정체에 걸렸습니다.

- To avoid heavy traffic, I left early in the morning.

  교통체증을 피하기 위해 아침 일찍 길을 떠났습니다.

■ 오답 노트 (leeji4****)

The New Year's Day when I was 15 years old. My uncle lived with my grand parents, so on New Year's Day, we visit 대전  that my uncle lived.

we visit 대전  where my uncle lived.

When I was young, I always looking forward to this holiday. I was only chid, it was especially fun to hang out with my cousins.

I always looked forward to this holiday. Since I was only chid, it was especially fun to hang out with my cousins.

When I was 10, we made the trip to 대전 as we usually did. On the way se traveled, the rest stop alng the way was too crowded so many family decided to skip lunch. After several hours, I was starving. As soon as we arrived at my uncle's house, I dove right into the food. After minutes later, I felt a strong pain  my stomach.

After few minutes, I felt a strong pain in my stomach.

Unfortunately, I went to the emergency room. After getting two shots, we returned to my uncle's house, where I was force to rest. This is a particulary  bad memory, but it remains one of my most memorable holidays. 

Posted by 김용직