오늘은 '가족 (family)' 에 대해 공부해보겠습니다!

가족은 자기소개 뿐 아니라 집안일, 여행 등 다양하게 출제 가능한 내용입니다.


나와의 관계/ 외모, 성격/ 직업/가족활동/ 어린시절의 기억 등의 문제가 출제 가능하며,

나아가 집안일, 가족모임등의 다양한 주제가 나올수 있을 것 같습니다.

1. 자주 출제되는 문제 유형

Tell me about a family member closest o you. Why do you like him/her? What kind of person is he/she?

Tell me about yourself and your family. Can you describe your family members? What do they do? Tell me all the details.

What do you usually do with your family on weekends? What is your family's favorite outdoor activity?

How do you spend time with your family at home? What kind of activities do you do together?

2. TIP

- There are [가족수] in my family. : 저희 가족은 ~명으로 구성되어 있습니다.

- My family all [차이점] but we all have the same hobby. : 저희 가족은 모두 ~을 가지고 있지만 다들 같은 취미를 가지고 있습니다.

- We don't just [취미1] but we also [취미2]. : 우리는 단지 ~만 하는 것이 아니라 ~도 합니다.

3. 오답노트


My family's favorite outdoor activity have barbecues in our backyard. We prepare a lot of food.

→ My family's favorite outdoor activity is having barbecues in our backyard.

We prepare hotdogs, hamburgers and salads. It's alot of fun and sometimes invite our neigbors too. My dad makes the best homemade hamburger. After the barbeque, we play badminton. It's a great way to hungry and relieves stress.

 It's a great way to digest and it relieves stress.

I think this iss a good way to spend the weekend because we don't have to worry acout traffic jams.I think other families could do the same in nearby public parks. There are a lot of great facilities in public parks nowdays. We every month barbecued last week but I'm already look forward to our next one.

We just had our monthly barbecue last week but I'm already looking forward to our next one.

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Posted by 김용직