에바의 첨삭노트 #9.요리

  • 자주 출제되는 문제 유형 

  1. Tellme about the best dish you can cook and explain how you make it.

  2. Couldyou tell me a memorable cooking experience?

  3. Pleasetell me about several kitchen tools. When do you use them?



  • 전략

  • 요리법주방기구맛에 대한 기본적인 표현을 익혀두면 비슷한 내용이 나오는외식여가시간에 하는 일취미 등 다른 주제 영역에서도폭넓게 활용 가능하다.

  • Match= go with : -와 어울리다.

  • Whichwine goes with my dish? (어떤 와인이 내요리와 어울릴까요?)

    조리과정 설명하기(1) : 익히다

  • Cook:요리하다 / fry: 튀기다/ bake: 굽다 (주로 빵과자)/ boil:끓이다/ grill: 굽다

  • 조리과정 설명하기(2): 자르다

  • Cut:자르다/ slice: 얇게썰다/ dice: 정사각으로 자르다/ peel: 껍질을 벗기다



I invited my friend over to my house on herlast Friday. I was not a good cookerbut I really wanted to make a great pizza for her.

  • am not a good cook but I really wanted to make a great pizza forher.

I picked the one which looked the easiest andthe simplest to make. Then I went grocery shopping at a supermarket in myneighborhood. I was buying a tomatosauce, a cheese, a pepperoni and chili sauce.

  • I bought tomato sauce, cheese, pepperoni and chili sauce.

       Thecooking process at first is good. After I put the pizza in the oven, myfriend and I started watching a movie. But, we focus on the movie so much I totally forget about pizza.

  • The cooking process wentwell at first.After I put the pizza in the oven, my friend and I started watching a movie.But, we focusedon the movie so much I totally forget about pizza.

In the end, I messed up the whole cooking planand we ended up calling 파파존스.

Posted by 김용직