오픽하이의 'OPIc Actually'


#10-5. 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 5탄


오픽 액츄얼리~ 제 10-5회 업뎃합니다!!!

오랜만에 칼럼으로 인사 드립니다.

업뎃이 늦어져서 죄송하구요~!

돌발주제, 롤플레이 문제까지 모두 다뤄드리려고 했습니다만,

오픽 최강 학습방과 오픽 빈출 Questions의 게시판들에서

이미 많은 자료를 제공해 드리고 있으니 살포시 패쑤~ 하겠습니다^^

오늘은 오픽 빈출문제 대방출 마지막편으로 '이슈'와 관련된 문제들을 다뤄드리려고 합니다.

오픽 이슈와 관련된 빈출문제들을 자세히 다루는 곳은 아마 거의 없을 거예요.

그만큼 소중한 자료가 되겠죠?^^  

특히 난이도 5~6단계로 준비하시는 분들 눈 부릅뜨고 봐두세요! 

이 문제를 잘 해결해야 고득점이 보장되니까요~~

그럼 오픽 이슈와 관련 빈출문제들을 공개합니다!!!


 오픽 이슈 2콤보 문제 모음 7sets...  


1. 공원
Q1. Please compare the activities that children and adults do at the park. Tell me about the facilities which can accommodate children and adults at the park.

Q2. Let's talk about some issues about today's parks. What are the largest challenges public parks are faced with these days? Discuss what has caused these concerns. Which steps need to be taken to address these issues?

2. 교통
Q1. Because of growth in large cities, there have been many changes in the methods used to get to and from school/work. Tell me about some of the changes you have seen in your own city or town. Please compare the current commuting methods with the ways that people did so in the past.

Q2. I'd like to know aobut the main problems that commuting has these days. What do people say about this topic and why?

3. 영화
Q1. Compare the movies today with those that you saw when you were a child. How have movies changed? Tell me about the similarities and differences between them.

Q2. What topics or issues do you talk  about movies with your friends or family members? Why are these topics or issues interesting to your friends or family members?

4. 축구
Q1. Over the past 10 years, what changes have you seen in the sport of soccer. In comparison to when you first started playing soccer, how has soccer changed today? Tell me about it in as much detatil as you can.

Q2. Let's talk about the sports that people are most interested in these days. What are people saying about those sports? Why are people most interested in those sports?

5. 음악
Q1. Let's talk abut your favorite composers or kinds of music. Please select two different composers or types of music and compare these in regard to their similarities and differences.

Q2. Tell me aobut some of the new technological advancements, electronic gadgets, or equipment that people who enjoy music are now most interested in. Which new porducts are they excited about and why?

6. 한국의 교육
Q1. Please compare typical college course schedules with high school course schedules for students in your country. How are they similar and differ? 

Q2. Let's talk about some of the concerns or issues that students talk about in regard to their course schedules. Why do you think these issues are important to students? How do students address these concerns or issues?

7. 이웃
Q1. In comparison to the past, many people say that living in a community with neighbors is a different experience. How does being a neighbor today differ from being a neighbor in the past?

Q2. Let's talk about some of the events or issues that your neighbors are talking about these days. Select one of these events or issues and give me a detailed description of it. Why is it it of concern or interest to the neighbors?

이렇게 총 7개의 이슈 콤보 문제들을 살펴봤습니다.

지금까지 봐왔던 오픽 문제들과 비교해보면 좀 더 어렵기도 하고 생소하기도 하죠?^^

난이도 5~6단계를 선택하면 시험 후반부에 이런 유형의 문제들이 출제된다는 것도 함께 알아두시구요.

오픽 빈출문제는 이번 5탄을 끝으로 마무리짓겠습니다! 홀가분하네요^^ㅋ

OPIc Actually! 11회에서 다시 찾아뵙겠습니다.

Next >>> #11. 오픽에서 출제되는 주제의 범위는 정해져 있다.

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