다름에듀 오픽(OPIc) 기출변형문제, 식료품 쇼핑 3콤보 Questions
[식료품 쇼핑(grocery shopping)] 은 2014~2015년에 가장 많이 출제되는 돌발주제 TOP 10 안에 들 정도로 아주 중요합니다.
3콤보 문제들은 항상 덩어리로 출제되기 때문에 반드시 3문제를 함께 대비해 두세요.
Question 1. 식료품 쇼핑 3콤보 _ 돌발문제
What is grocery shopping like in your country? What do you regularly purchase at the grocery store? How often do people grocery shop? Tell me about grocery shopping in your country.
Question 2. 식료품 쇼핑 3콤보 _ 돌발문제
What kinds of activities do you usually do when going to the grocery store? Do you drive or walk to the store? How much time do you spend shopping? Tell me all the things that you do before and after you go grocery shopping.
Question 3. 식료품 쇼핑 3콤보 _ 돌발문제
When was the last time you went grocery shopping? Discuss the events that occurred while shopping. Were you looking for something specific at the store? Tell me about your recent grocery shopping experience.
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