안녕하세요, 롤플레이학습 게시판을 맡게 된 Sophie입니다~ *^ ㅡ ^*



기출문제 변형 롤플레이문제/모범답변 알려드리겠습니다!

모범답변은 소리내서 읽어봐주세요!

롤플레이에서는 연기력도 필요한 거 아시죠!? ^^





I'd like you to act out the following situation. You want to borrow an MP3 player from your friend. Explain your situation and ask him three to four questions to borrow the MP3 player.


ㅡ Sophie's Answer :D

→ Hello, Joy. It's me Sophie. I'm calling to ask you to do me a favor. I am going on a trip to Jeju island tomorrow alone. I love listening to music on the way to somewhere, but unfortunately, my MP3 player was broken just now.  So, would you lend me your MP3 player? I know that you have 2 of them, right? Don't worry, I'll take a good care of it. Also, when I'm back in a week, I'll take you to a nice restaurant. The dinner is on me. Thank you so much, Joy.


파란색 패턴들을 이용하여 다른 문장들도 만들어보세요~ ^^

Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요? Christine 입니다.^^

요즘은 날씨가 너무 더운것 같아요. 앞으로 여름이 두려워 지는 오후 입니다!!^^


오늘은 운동 수업 수강 관련 콤보 문제 답안 예시를 드리려고 합니다.

첨부파일 확인해 주세요!


예시 답안을 그대로 외우시기 보다는 여러번 반복해서 읽으면서 내용을 이해하여 비슷하게 이야기 할 수 있도록 준비하시면 될 듯 합니다!!!



1. You indicated in your survey that you like to take exercise classes(sports lessons). What kind of exercise classes(sports lessons) do you usually sign up for? Why do you like to take them?


2. Have you ever had any memorable experience while taking such classes? If you do, please tell me about the experience that is the most memorable.




3. How did you get interested in exercise at first? Was there anyone who influenced you? Do you remember the first class? Tell me everything in as much detail as possible.

Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요, 오픽표현/패턴 게시판을 맡게 된 Sophie입니다~ *^ ㅡ ^*



이번주부터 월/수/금 찾아뵐 거구요~

시험 뿐 아니라 일상생활에서도 유용하게 쓰실 수 있는 패턴들 알려드리겠습니다~

밑에는 패턴을 사용한 예문 3가지씩 적어드릴텐데요, 눈으로만 보지 마시고 소리내서 읽어봐주세요!

댓글로는 패턴사용, 영작 한문장씩 해서 달아주시면되세요! :D





"I can't say that..." 인데요~

... 부분에는 주어 + 동사를 넣어서 "~라고 말할 순 없다"로 쓰시면 됩니다.



ex1. I can't say that the first impression about the professor was very good.

ex2. I can't say that the food was really nice.

ex3. I can't say that the movie was that touching.


Posted by 김용직


안녕하세요? Christine 입니다.^^

오늘은 태풍이 온다고 하더니 새벽부터 저희 집에는 비가 내렸어요~

태풍이 수월하게 지나가길~~!!


오늘은 약속 관련 콤보 문제 답안 예시를 드리려고 합니다.

첨부파일 확인해 주세요!


예시 답안을 그대로 외우시기 보다는 여러번 반복해서 읽으면서 내용을 이해하여 비슷하게 이야기 할 수 있도록 준비하시면 될 듯 합니다!!!




1. What kind of things do you normally do when making an appointment? Tell me about all the steps that you take in order to make an appointment from the beginning to the end.



2. When was the last time that you made an appointment? What was the appointment about? Who did you make it with? Did everything turn our as expected?



3. Have you ever experienced that you canceled an appointment due to an important problem? When was it? What was the appointment about? What kind of problem was it? Why did you cancel it? How did you handle that problem? Tell me about it in as much detail as you can.



오픽(OPIc) Random COMBO About Making an Appointment by Christine (이슬기).pdf


Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요, 롤플레이학습 게시판을 맡게 된 Sophie입니다~ *^ ㅡ ^*



기출문제 변형 롤플레이문제/모범답변 알려드리겠습니다!

모범답변은 소리내서 읽어봐주세요!

롤플레이에서는 연기력도 필요한 거 아시죠!? ^^




You have decided to join a gym. Call the gym and ask three or four questions  to  get  information about the gym.


ㅡ Sophie's Answer :D

→ Hello, is this ABC fitness center? I'm calling to ask you some questions about membership. First of all, how much is it for a 3-month membershi? As far as I know, I can get a student discount. Am I correct? Second, what are your business hours? Is there any regular day off? I got it. Lastly, I'm pretty sure you have a shower room there, right? Cool. Alright, that's all I wanted to know. Thank you very much, bye.


파란색 패턴들을 이용하여 다른 문장들도 만들어보세요~ ^^



Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요? Christine 입니다.^^

오늘은 태풍이 온다고 하더니 새벽부터 저희 집에는 비가 내렸어요~

태풍이 수월하게 지나가길~~!!


오늘은 게임 관련 콤보 문제 답안 예시를 드리려고 합니다.

첨부파일 확인해 주세요!


예시 답안을 그대로 외우시기 보다는 여러번 반복해서 읽으면서 내용을 이해하여 비슷하게 이야기 할 수 있도록 준비하시면 될 듯 합니다!!!



1. You responded that you enjoy playing games. What kinds of games do you like to play? How often do you play games? When and where do you normally play games? With whom do you like to play?


2. Let’s talk about your favorite game. Can you tell me the rules of the game? Tell me how to play it in detail




3. How and when were you interested in playing games? What game did you lie to play at that time? How did you learn to play the game? Tell me all the details




오픽(OPIc) COMBO About Game by Christine (이슬기).pdf


Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요, 오픽표현/패턴 게시판을 맡게 된 Sophie입니다~ *^ ㅡ ^*



시험 뿐 아니라 일상생활에서도 유용하게 쓰실 수 있는 패턴들 알려드리겠습니다~

밑에는 패턴을 사용한 예문 3가지씩 적어드릴텐데요, 눈으로만 보지 마시고 소리내서 읽어봐주세요!

댓글로는 패턴사용, 영작 한문장씩 해서 달아주시면되세요! :D





"I make a point of..." 인데요~

... 부분에는 동명사를 넣어 "나는 ~하는 것을 원칙으로 하다"로 쓰시면 됩니다.

ex1. I make a point of jogging at least twice a week.

ex2. I make a point of getting up before 7.

ex3. I make a point of not skipping breakfast.



Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요? Christine 입니다.^^

요즘 날씨가 많이 더워요~!! 오늘은 비가 올것 같네요~!!

우산 챙기세요~^^


오늘은 한국 음식 관련 콤보 문제 답안 예시를 드리려고 합니다.

첨부파일 확인해 주세요!


예시 답안을 그대로 외우시기 보다는 여러번 반복해서 읽으면서 내용을 이해하여 비슷하게 이야기 할 수 있도록 준비하시면 될 듯 합니다!!!


1. Discuss some of the traditional foods eaten in your country. What are some of the most popular types of foods eaten in your country? What are some of the most popular traditional dishes? Identify your favorite dish and explain your choice.



2. Discuss mealtime in your country. What is the most important meal of the day? What roles do the people play during mealtime? Are there any particular customs, traditions, or events that happen before and after mealtime? Provide several details about mealtimes in your country.



3. Can you describe a memorable meal that you have had? Who were you with? What did you eat? Give me a detailed description of a recent meal you have had.




오픽(OPIc) Random COMBO About Korean Foods by Christine (이슬기).pdf


Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요? Christine 입니다.^^

요즘 날씨가 많이 더워요~!! 오늘은 비가 올것 같네요~!!

우산 챙기세요~^^


오늘은 박물관 관련 콤보 문제 답안 예시를 드리려고 합니다.

첨부파일 확인해 주세요!


예시 답안을 그대로 외우시기 보다는 여러번 반복해서 읽으면서 내용을 이해하여 비슷하게 이야기 할 수 있도록 준비하시면 될 듯 합니다!!!



1. You indicated in the survey that you like to go to the museum. If you have a chance to go to the museum, where do you want to go? Why do you want to go that museum? Please tell me about the reason in as much detail as you can.



2. Let’s talk about the most memorable pieces in the museum. What is it? Why did the thing so memorable to you? Tell me about the memorable pieces in as much detail as you can.






3. When was the last time that you went to a museum? Where did you go? Who were you with? What kinds of activities did you do in the museum? Tell me all about the things you did in the museum from the beginning to the end.




오픽(OPIc) COMBO About Museum by Christine (이슬기).pdf


Posted by 김용직

안녕하세요, 오픽표현/패턴 게시판을 맡게 된 Sophie입니다~ *^ ㅡ ^*



시험 뿐 아니라 일상생활에서도 유용하게 쓰실 수 있는 패턴들 알려드리겠습니다~

밑에는 패턴을 사용한 예문 3가지씩 적어드릴텐데요, 눈으로만 보지 마시고 소리내서 읽어봐주세요!

댓글로는 패턴사용, 영작 한문장씩 해서 달아주시면되세요! :D





"I'd appreciate it if you could..." 인데요~

... 부분에는 동사원형을 넣어 "~해준다면 정말 감사하겠습니다"로 쓰시면 됩니다.

 ex1. I'd appreciate it if youcould help me with the job.

ex2. I'd appreciate it if you could keept it between us.

ex3. I'd appreciate it if you could stop by.


Posted by 김용직