안녕하세요? Christine 입니다.^^



오늘은 인터넷 관련 콤보 문제 답안 예시를 드리려고 합니다.

첨부파일 확인해 주세요!


예시 답안을 그대로 외우시기 보다는 여러번 반복해서 읽으면서 내용을 이해하여 비슷하게 이야기 할 수 있도록 준비하시면 될 듯 합니다!!!



1. Tell me about website you usually visit what kind of sites are they? What kind of services do they offer? Why are you interested in these sites?


2. I would like to know a site you frequently visit. What is the site for? Why do you visit it? How does it look like?


3. Have you ever experienced anything unforgettable while surfing internet? What was it? When did it happen? Tell me about your memorable experience while surfing the web.



오픽(OPIc) Random COMBO About Surfing the Internet by Christine (이슬기).pdf



Posted by 김용직