안녕하세요, 롤플레이학습 게시판을 맡게 된 Sophie입니다~ *^ ㅡ ^*



기출문제 변형 롤플레이문제/모범답변 알려드리겠습니다!

모범답변은 소리내서 읽어봐주세요!

롤플레이에서는 연기력도 필요한 거 아시죠!? ^^





I'm sorry, but there is a problem you need to solve. The morning of the outing, it's raining. So you can't make it.  Meet your friend and offer three or four alternatives.


ㅡ Sophie's Answer :D

Hey Joy, it’s me Sophie. Well, I have some bad news to tell you. As you can see, it’s pouring outside, so I think we should cancel the outing today. But here are my suggestions. First, let’s go to 경주 for an outing next weekend. It should be sunny that day. And for today, how about going to see a movie all together? The movie we talked about was released yesterday! Good? Alright, I’ll see you in an hour then, bye.


파란색 패턴들을 이용하여 다른 문장들도 만들어보세요~ ^^







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Posted by 김용직