OPIc 난이도 6 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제
[콤보 4. (롤플레이) 책(독서) 3콤보 문제]
Q11. Your friend mentions that she has recently read a book.
She thought it was very enjoyable. She describes it to you.
You think you might want to read it, too, but you are not certain.
Ask her several questions, in order to find out all about the book.
Q12. Eventually, you borrow the book from your friend,
but then you realize that you've misplaced it.
You need to call your friend and explain to her that you've lost her book.
Give your friend a few suggestions as to what to do about the situation.
Q13. I'd like you to explain to me how you learned to read, as a child.
Then please tell me about how your interest in books and reading has changed
as you've grown older.
다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체
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