다름에듀 오픽(OPIc) 기출변형문제, 광고 포스터3콤보 Questions
[광고 포스터(쇼핑)] 롤플레이 문제는 학생이나 직장인 관계 없이 돌발주제로 출제되고 있습니다.

 대체로 길을 가다가 광고 포스터를 보고 나서 물건을 구매했는데 나중에 확인해 보니 물건에 하자가 있다거나

다른 색상의 물건이 배송되는 등의 문제를 해결하라는 식의 롤플레이 문제 내용이 주어집니다.
쇼핑과 관련된 롤플레이 문제가 많이 출제되고 있으니 꼭 대비해야 할 롤플레이 문제입니다.

Question 1. 광고 포스터 3콤보 _ Role Play
I’ll give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You walk past your favorite shop, and see a poster that says they are offering big discounts. Assume that you enter the store and ask the sales representative several questions about the sale.

Question 2. 광고 포스터 3콤보 _ Role Play
I’m sorry, but you have a problem which you need to resolve. You buy a product at the shop, but once you return home, you discover that the product is broken. Call the shop in order to tell them about the problem. Describe the problem and offer some solutions to solve this issue.

Question 3. 광고 포스터 3콤보
Can you remember a time when you purchased a product that malfunctioned or was broken? If so, what were you dissatisfied with the item you bought? Describe the item you bought and what the trouble with it was, and explain to me how you resolved the problem.




Posted by 김용직