OPIc 난이도 3 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 4. (롤플레이) 콘서트 3콤보 문제]

Q11. A friend hopes to go to a concert with you. 
Contact your friend in order to pose three to four questions to him/her about the concert.

Q12. You have purchased tickets for the concert. 
Unfortunately, however, on concert day, you are so ill that you are unable to get out of bed.
 Contact your friend, discuss this situation, and pose two to three possible solutions or options.

Q13. Have you ever had tickets for a concert or another event and found yourself unable to go? 
Discuss this experience. Provide details by providing information about when this occurred, 
what happened during this experience, and how this affected your plan.

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체

Posted by 김용직

OPIc 난이도 6 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 3. 직장인 회사 연혁 3콤보 문제]

Q8. Please describe your company. What kind of business is it?

Q9. I'd like to know more about the history of your company. 
Talk about how it began and also how it has changed or grown since it first began.

Q10. I would think that you've had some memorable experiences working 
with your company's products and services---- 
maybe there were some difficulties, or weird or even surprising situations. 
Perhaps you could tell me about one specific experience that you've had in working at your job, 
in as many details as possible ---- where the experience occurred, what occurred, 
what you did, what the final result was, etc.....

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체 

Posted by 김용직

OPIc 난이도 5 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 3. 직장인 테크놀로지 3콤보 문제]

Q8. What kinds of technological devices do you use at work?

Q9. Was there ever a time when technology greatly helped you to finish an assignment? 
Talk about the assignment and explain how technology helped you.

Q10. Learning a new technology at work is often too difficult and frustrating. 
Do you have such an experience when you were frustrated in trying to use a new technology? 
Please tell me all the details. When and where did it happen? 
Was it a part of any project? What was the reason for such difficulties? 
What happened at the end?

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체 

Posted by 김용직

OPIc 난이도 4 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 3. 애완동물 기르기3콤보 문제]

Q8. Discuss your pet. What type of pet is it? Explain what it looks like. 
Provide as many details as possible.

Q9. Explain how you felt the when you initially saw your pet. 
Where did you find this pet? 
Why did you pick that pet in particular versus others?

Q10. Has your pet ever been lost? Has it ever been sick? 
Consider if your pet has ever done anything surprising or unexpected. 
Discuss an unforgettable experience from start to finish. 
Provide background information to set up the story and provide as much detail as possible. 

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체 

Posted by 김용직

OPIc 난이도 3 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 3. 직장인 3콤보 문제]
Q8. Where do you work? Talk about your company in as much detail as possible.

Q9. Have you worked on any big projects or assignments at your job? Talk about the last big project or assignment that you worked on.

Q10. Please tell me about some great experiences you had at work. You might recall these times because they were interesting, surprising or challenging. First, tell me some background information about the experience --- when they occurred, where you were, whom you were with ---- and then list all of the details of what happened and how it turned out in the end.

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체

Posted by 김용직

OPIc 난이도 6 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 2. 주거 개선 3콤보 문제]

*난이도 5와 6에서 Q5-~7번 똑같이 출제됨.

Q5. Describe what your home looks like? 
Explain the floor plan and the number of rooms your home has. 
Please discuss what your home is like for me.

Q6. Problems often happen in homes-unfinished projects, plumbing issues, etc. 
Discuss some of the issues that have occurred in your home.

Q7. Select one of the above mentioned problems and describe to me everything that  occurred. When did this happen and what types of things created this problem? 
Then in detail discuss all of the steps that you did in order to solve this issue.

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체 

Posted by 김용직

OPIc 난이도 5 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 2. 주거 개선 3콤보 문제]

Q5. Describe what your home looks like? 
Explain the floor plan and the number of rooms your home has. 
Please discuss what your home is like for me.

Q6. Problems often happen in homes-unfinished projects, plumbing issues, etc. 
Discuss some of the issues that have occurred in your home.

Q7. Select one of the above mentioned problems and describe to me everything that  occurred. When did this happen and what types of things created this problem? 
Then in detail discuss all of the steps that you did in order to solve this issue.

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체 

Posted by 김용직

OPIc 난이도 4 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 2. 거주지 3콤보 문제]
Q5. Explain in detail the area where you live. 
Discuss the buildings, landscape, and people there.

Q6. What do people and children do in the area where you live?

Q7. Discuss some of the memorable situations that have occurred where you live. 
Explain some of the things that went on while you have lived there. 

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체 

Posted by 김용직
OPIc 난이도 3 선택 _ 오픽 기출변형문제

[콤보 2. 거주지 3콤보 문제]
Q5. Discuss the city where you live. Explain what this city is like. 
What are the people like there? Describe the buildings in your city. 
Provide plenty of details to explain your city.

Q6. How do the people in the city occupy themselves on the weekends? 
Explain some of the special events and activities that go on in the city. 
Discuss the things people in the city do during the weekends.

Q7. Describe something that you did last weekend. 
Explain what you did, who you went with, and where the event took place. 
Provide details that explain something interesting that you did last weekend.

다름에듀 _ www.dredu.co.kr
오픽 주관사 지정 오픽 공식 교육업체

Posted by 김용직

씨리얼 오픽 후기 _ 난이도 5-5

돌발문제 : 은행 출제

롤플레이 : 핸드폰 출제 


01. 자기소개


[콤보 1] 

02. 자주 가는 해외 여행지를 묘사해 보세요.

03. 해외여행을 주로 언제, 누구와, 어디로 가는지 일상적인 패턴을 설명해 보세요. 

04. 해외여행에서 기억에 남는 경험을 말해 보세요.


[콤보 2] 

05. 좋아하는 음악 장르는 무엇인가요?

06. 당신이 음악을 듣는 일상적인 패턴을 말해 보세요.

07. 기억에 남는 라이브 음악 경험을 말해 보세요.


[콤보 3] 

08. 자주 가는 은행을 묘사해 보세요.

09. 주로 은행에는 어떤 일로 가나요? 은행에 가는 목적을 설명해 보세요.

10. 가장 최근에 왜 은행에 갔나요? 최근에 은행에 간 경험을 말해 보세요. 


[콤보 4] 

11. (롤플레이) 새 핸드폰을 사고 싶은데 친구가 마침 새 핸드폰을 가지고 있는 상황, 전화해서 궁금한 점 3~4가지 질문하기

12. (롤플레이) 친구와 함께 핸드폰을 사러 가기로 했는데, 가족아 아파서 약속을 지킬 수 없는 돌발상황, 해결책 제시하기

13. 핸드폰이 고장이 났거나 어떤 문제가 생긴 경험을 말해 보세요.


[콤보 5] 

14. 과거와 현재 영화의 차이점을 말해 보세요.

15. 영화와 관련된 중요한 이슈 한 가지를 말해 보세요. 


출처 : www.dredu.co.kr _ 오픽 주관시 지정 오픽공식 교육업체

Posted by 김용직